Any Other Humanitarian Crisis

7 mentions.

2014 - 2014

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seven mentions

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As we have heard, our total funding for Syria and the region is now £600 million, which is three times the size of our response to Any Other Humanitarian Crisis.

We have pledged £600 million for Syria and the region, which is three times the size of our response to Any Other Humanitarian Crisis.

Noble Lords have referred to the UK's total funding, which now stands at £600 million, which is three times the size of its response to Any Other Humanitarian Crisis.

The UK's total funding for Syria and the region is now £600 million - three times the size of its response to Any Other Humanitarian Crisis.

Our total funding for Syria and the region is now £600 million, three times the size of our response to Any Other Humanitarian Crisis.

The UK's total funding for Syria and the region is now at £600 million, which is three times the size of its response to Any Other Humanitarian Crisis.

Our total humanitarian funding for Syria and the region is now £700 million, more than three times the size of our response to Any Other Humanitarian Crisis.

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