Coal and Fuel Crisis

2 mentions.

1947 - 1960

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1947 to 1960

two mentions

over 13 years

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As is typical of the productions of this document, and as anybody who heard the speech last night of the right hon. Gentleman the senior Member for the City of London (Sir A. Duncan) knows, the Coal and Fuel Crisis has been inserted at the last minute in this document by a series of nuggets which appear quite plainly to anybody who has eyes to read.

I remember when I first got up as a back bencher some eight years ago and said that the only way to avoid a Coal and Fuel Crisis, which I felt would come from a too great dependence on imported oil, was to make full use of our indigenous fuel resources and to put a great deal of money quickly into the building of carbonisation plants so that we could get full value from the coal and a great increase in gas production.

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