Coal Transport Crisis

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From the records readily available, Service personnel have been used under the Emergency Powers Act to maintain supplies and services essential to the life of the community on the following occasions: Occasion Date Relevant EPA(*) Coalminers' Strike 1921 EPA 1920 General Strike and Coalminers' Strike 1926 EPA 1920 478 Occasion Date Relevant EPA(*) Dock Strike 1946 DR 1939 Coal Transport Crisis 1947 DR 1939 Haulage Drivers' Strike 1947 DR 1939 Dock Strike 1948 DR 1939 Dock Strike 1948 EPA 1920 Porters' Strike 1948 DR 1939 Dock Strike 1949 DR 1939 Dock Strike 1949 EPA 1920 Power Station Strike 1949 DR 1939 Dock Strike 1950 DR 1939 Porters' Strike 1950 DR 1939 Gas Industry Strike 1950 DR 1939 Oil Distributors' Strike 1953 DR 1939 Seamen's Strike 1960 DR 1939 Seamen's Strike 1966 EPA 1920 Dock Strike 1970 EPA 1920 Local Council Refuse Workers' Strike 1970 EPA 1964 Dock Strike 1972 EPA 1920 Firemen's Strike 1973 EPA 1964 Ulster Workers Council Strike 1974 EPA 1926 Local Council Refuse Workers' Strike 1975 EPA 1964 Firemen's Strike 1977–78 EPA 1964 Oil Tanker Drivers' Strike (Northern Ireland) 1979 EPA 1926 Ambulancemen's Strike 1979 EPA 1964 Prison Officers' Dispute 1981 EPA 1964 Ambulancemen's Strike 1981 EPA 1964 (*) EPA 1920 Emergency Powers Act 1920.

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