Crisis in Birmingham

6 mentions.

1956 - 2014

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1956 to 1987

three mentions

over 31 years

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That is the extent of the Crisis in Birmingham's secondary modern schools.

It is purely a financing operation which is causing the Crisis in Birmingham.

The Crisis in Birmingham is particularly severe, and it is particularly important because Birmingham hospitals, such as Birmingham Children's hospital, contain a number of regional specialties which treat people from all over the region.

1992 to 2014

three mentions

over 22 years

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Secondly, I should like the Minister to confirm that he agrees that the hospital closures and other proposed cuts should not go ahead until all the facts of the financial Crisis in Birmingham are made publicly available.

There is a Crisis in Birmingham; it keeps breaking out in different places at different times of the year, but it does not go away.

Peter Clarke's report reveals that coalition education policy is bust and has fomented the Crisis in Birmingham.

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