As the turn the debate has taken has been greatly influenced by what has taken place in the past, the, Committee will pardon me if I dwell for a time on the point that, while the Government have not undervalued the Crisis in China, they may also claim that no action of theirs has precipitated that crisis.
Motion made, and Question proposed, "That no settlement of the present Crisis in China will be satisfactory to this House that does not completely exclude Russian military and political control from Manchuria".
I trust that the Crisis in China may soon be satisfactorily terminated by the establishment of a stable form of Government in conformity with the views of the Chinese people.
Mr. LOCKER-LAMPSON: The new Crisis in China is, I understand, somewhat impeding the progress of the Conference, but negotiations are still proceeding.
This is a Crisis in China.
In a way, the Crisis of China's success in attaining the three goals of Deng's era-affluence, stability and power-has resulted in such a changed dynamic, paradoxically known as its success trap, that that in itself poses a host of new problems both internally and externally.
We have a Prime Minister and a Chancellor who, as far as I am aware, have not said a single word, let alone taken a single step, in relation to the emerging economic Crisis in China, which is in the grip of one of the worst stock market frenzies in history.