Crisis in National Health Service Dentistry

2 mentions.

1992 - 2002

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1992 to 2002

two mentions

over 10 years

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[That this House condemns the Government for pursuing policies that have led to an emerging Crisis in National Health Service Dentistry; notes the increasing difficulties experienced in many parts of the country in obtaining registration as National Health Service dental patients because of the growing number of dentists that have been driven to withdraw National Health dental services through a deliberate policy of underpricing the new dental contract; warns that further and rapid deterioration will take place if the Government fulfils its intention of cutting dental fees further; condemns the pursuit of a backdoor policy of privatisation of dentistry through underfunding and higher patient charges; and commends the General Dental Practitioners Association for drawing this serious situation to the nation's attention.

Will the Leader of the House please find time for a full and urgent debate on the Crisis in National Health Service Dentistry?

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