Crisis in Other Parts

5 mentions.

1960 - 2012

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1960 to 1998

three mentions

over 38 years

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Coming at a time of grave Crisis in Other Parts of Africa, the calm and dignified manner in which Nigeria has assumed her independence, and her attitude of warm friendship towards Britain, which came out so clearly during the independence celebrations, have, I believe, made a deep impression on the whole world.

The letter is dated 2nd July, and I ask the Minister to note what he says:… the latest development is that the British Government have now decided to withdraw her interests from the territory completely - more or less in disgust and because of heavier and more crucial Crisis in Other Parts of the world.

Malaysia has so far been alone in reimposing capital controls to shield itself from the frenzy of the markets and to buy itself some breathing space, but, by doing so, it deepened the Crisis in Other Parts of the region, and undermined confidence among international investors in east Asia even further.

2005 to 2012

two mentions

over seven years

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Money has been taken from the Prison Service's budget to resolve the financial Crisis in Other Parts of the Home Office, which has led to a four-month recruitment freeze and the mothballing of more than 1,000 prison places.

We must also bear in mind the Crisis in Other Parts of Europe.

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