Crisis in That Area

5 mentions.

1978 - 2012

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1978 to 2003

three mentions

over 25 years

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I do not expect anything of that sort, but I am sure that even the hon. Gentleman will accept that if there were a Crisis in That Area of our national life, the creation of the Scottish Assembly could not be something that the House would necessarily think should be done at such a moment.

We knew that prior to our arrival in office in 1997 the country was in Crisis in That Area.

The group has been allocated more and more subsidised routes and school contracts - there is an additional Crisis in That Area - and some of the smaller, family-run operators have been driven out.

2008 to 2012

two mentions

over four years

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Sporting structures are now having attention paid to them, possibly because of the fact that there was a small Crisis in That Area.

Rather than discussing benefits, I want to talk about the social care agenda because, unlike the situation with working-age benefits, we face an emerging Crisis in That Area.

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