Crisis in the Ambulance Service

4 mentions.

1995 - 2015

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1995 to 2013

three mentions

over 18 years

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My hon. Friend the Member for Newham, South (Mr. Spearing) has on repeated occasions in the House brought to the attention of Ministers the Crisis in the Ambulance Service.

However, there is a Crisis in the Ambulance Service involving the difference between paramedics and technicians and what has been described as the wonderful new skilled roadside role of the emergency care assistant.

There is a debate about A and E services between Telford and Shrewsbury, which nobody in the county wants, and there is an emerging Crisis in the Ambulance Service, particularly with regard to response times.


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Although focus has been on A and E, it is becoming clear that the knock-on Crisis in the Ambulance Service is more serious than people realise.

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