I do not know whether my right hon. Friend the Member for West Fife is desirous of discussing the question of the Poor Law, but perhaps I may be allowed to point out that the number of persons on the Poor Law was 229,000 in 1924, 207,000 in 1925, 285,000 in 1926 (that is the year of the unfortunate Crisis in the Coalfield), 238,000 in 1927 and 223,000 in the present year.
Apart from the trade recession with which we have been faced, I firmly believe that the policy of the Government, which is causing stagnation in industry has aggravated to a great extent the present Crisis in the Coalfields.
Everyone knows that unemployment will continue to rise because of the Crisis in the Coalfields.
The Minister must address himself to the Crisis in the Coalfields in Nottingham and in Lancashire.