Crisis in the Last Few Days

Including: Crisis of the Last Few Days

3 mentions.

1958 - 1974

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1958 to 1974

three mentions

over 16 years

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One of the most remarkable statements which has been made on the Crisis in the Last Few Days is that of the Prime Minister of the Sudan, himself a Mohammedan, who said that the landing of American troops yesterday was by far the greatest contribution to Middle Eastern stability that had been made in the last two years.

Nobody can doubt the scale of the Crisis of the Last Few Days, which has been intensified both by the invasion of Cambodia and by the reopening of the bombing attacks on North Vietnam.

The last piece of realism which I think has come out of this after these many years and after the Crisis of the Last Few Days is that Greece and Turkey have realised that, within the wide of context of the free nations, they must remain friends.

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