Crisis in Which the Government

7 mentions.

1947 - 2014

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1947 to 1961

three mentions

over 14 years

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I believe that there is already considerable agreement on both sides on the analysis of this position - that it is impossible to maintain full employment without some Government planning both of labour and of materials and, therefore, the attempt to maintain full employment without adequate controls was bound to lead to a Crisis in Which the Government would have to go back to the old cure of deflation or forward to Socialist planning.

It did not spring from any difficulty in assembling statistics about the fertility of married couples, but from the Crisis in Which the Government found themselves and in which the Government selected one Minister in order to make a demonstration.

It is my submission that one of the arguments which he has advanced for the Bill was there is no alternative, and the second argument is it is not tied up with the Crisis in Which the Government find themselves now.

1968 to 1989

three mentions

over 21 years

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It seems a most extraordinary economic doctrine that has suddenly and conveniently been discovered to coincide with an economic Crisis in Which the Government are concerned.

This is a Crisis in Which the Government are confronting the back-benchers on both sides and trying to force a constitutional change of the greatest magnitude in the teeth of the most sincere anxiety of people who have studied this matter.

Basically, it is a problem or a Crisis in Which the Government take no interest.


one mention

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We, too, believe that good skills are crucial if families are to earn their way to a better standard of living and escape the cost of living Crisis in Which the Government have trapped them.

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