But there is no evidence that we have come to any such Crisis in the Constitution of our Church; and may I say this further, which I think will impress the House, and certainly carries my view in the direction.
I merely add that we are at a Crisis of the Constitution, because we are rewriting the constitution.
That could be done without altering boundaries after a long Boundary Commission study, but by the votes of this House and by presenting the case that I have suggested for something to be done with the immediate Crisis of Our Constitution in mind.
I benefited greatly from a very good article by Professor Vernon Bogdanor, The Crisis of the Constitution , in which he analyses the way in which we have a whole series of interlocking crises.
Happily, we have to hand at least one thought-through proposal for a constitutional convention, which was set out by Vernon Bogdanor in his pamphlet The Crisis of the Constitution.