Were we therefore to desert them in this Crisis of Their Fortunes?
That being the state of the case, and we, miserable and unworthy men, being here usurping the functions and aping the character of a Government, the right hon. Gentleman says, for these reasons, because you are so miserable, because you are so disunited, because you are so de- 1165 graded, I will at this great Crisis of the Fortunes of England, leave you in place, where you are to govern the destinies of Europe and the world.
I am convinced the party which sits opposite would not gain in credit by having it said, as it would surely be said, that, on a great Crisis of the Fortunes of the country, the great Conservative party, which for upwards of a year had with the greatest patriotism come forward in support of the Crown and to maintain the honour of the country by every vote it was in their power to give—after little more than a year had tired of the exercise of that virtue, and sought an opportunity for slipping into office in place of those who now fill the offices; and, having lost an occasion which seemed to them to be an inviting one, coming from what is termed an independent Member, comes forward with a Motion of their own to gain the prize for which they were so anxious.
In this Crisis of Their Fortunes, let the Greek people but show a spirit of self-control in their own Government, endeavouring, if they can, to elect a wise, good, and courageous man for a Sovereign, hut let them not go about Europe looking for a foreign Sovereign as a symbol of foreign protection.
It becomes, therefore, those who wish to uphold the present ecclesiastical settlement of this country to exert their utmost energies, and to show their utmost vigilance at this important Crisis in the Fortunes of the Church of England.
When the nation was in peril, when there was a tremendous Crisis in the Fortunes of our country, then the rings were ready to seize their opportunity and we had to call into being a national organisation to deal with the situation.
Just before we rose at Christmas for the Recess we were told over and over again that we faced a great Crisis in Our Fortunes.
There is a Crisis in the Fortunes of the railways.
Still, at this great Crisis in the Fortunes of our country, when every course is involved in undeniable perplexity and surrounded by admitted danger, there are two principles to which we may confidently appeal"— this is an English case against home rule— "it is by habitual adherence to them that England has grown to greatness.
Still, at this great Crisis in the Fortunes of our country, when every course is involved in undeniable perplexity and surrounded by admitted danger, there are two principles to which we may confidently appeal" - this is an English case against home rule - it is by habitual adherence to them that England has grown to greatness.