Demand Crisis

Including: Crisis in Demand, Crisis of Demand

9 mentions.

1966 - 2013

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1966 to 2011

three mentions

over 45 years

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We understand from the Prime Minister that the Crisis of Demand in the balance of payments is an immediate one.

A Government who are selling their economic philosophy on the basis of supply and demand do not seem to understand that if supply is deliberately and wantonly cut it will produce an acute Crisis in Demand.

The huge error made by the Chancellor on assuming office last year was to mistake a global Crisis of Demand, growth and jobs for one purely of debt and deficit.


four mentions

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We are told that the Chancellor has advised the Prime Minister on matters strategic, instead of focusing on the Crisis of Demand made in No.

We have a Demand Crisis in the economy.

The hon. Gentleman talks about a Demand Crisis, but does he accept that some of the responsibility for that comes from the policies of the previous Government, which so substantially over-leveraged not just the Government, but the entire economy?

There can be no solution to the growth crisis unless we tackle the Crisis of Demand in the European economies and globally?


two mentions

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The steel industry in this country is facing a real Crisis in Demand, and certainty about decarbonisation targets now would bolster investment in renewable technologies and help that manufacturing to stay in the UK.

The steel industry faces a Crisis in Demand.

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