Dramatic Crisis

6 mentions.

1980 - 2005

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1980 to 1986

three mentions

over six years

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It is certainly not geared to deal with the fairly urgent but not Dramatic Crisis.

There has to be a Dramatic Crisis before the arrangements are triggered off.

In Britain, it is one way of safeguarding agriculture, instead of facing the Dramatic Crisis that will come with overspending and breaking through budgets.

1999 to 2005

three mentions

over six years

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I honestly do not think that people realise the extent to which that will create a Dramatic Crisis if it goes ahead without a fundamental reform of the common agricultural policy, which is not possible.

There is a Dramatic Crisis.

Secondly, it would be little over the top for the hon. Gentleman to tell his constituents that a Dramatic Crisis is looming because one of our planning assumptions is that we may go to unmanned aerial vehicles after 2040.

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