Every Economic Crisis

5 mentions.

1947 - 2010

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1947 to 1959

three mentions

over 12 years

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On the contrary, I have seen peeping out from speech after speech the old Tory remedy for Every Economic Crisis - economies atthe expense of the poor.

I find it hard to concede that any other action, still less any action in a contrary sense, could have led to such a swift and sustained return of confidence as we have seen in this country; and in the last analysis almost Every Economic Crisis is a crisis of confidence.

We have had this complacency after Every Economic Crisis with every recovery.

1979 to 2010

two mentions

over 31 years

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If the previous Government had not tried to borrow, print, tax and bribe their way out of Every Economic Crisis, and if those policies had not failed, consumers would not be having to pay such high prices today.

Every Economic Crisis, and certainly the current one, as he says, is attributed to credit growth and the solution lies in a return, essentially, to a gold standard.

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