Exceptional Crisis

10 mentions.

1880 - 2012

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1880 to 1927

three mentions

over 47 years

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He would have no objection, considering the Exceptional Crisis, to allowing Irish landlords to have money at the same rate as the Funds—3 per cent.

Colonel WEDGWOOD: The country is beginning to realise that in time of Exceptional Crisis Parliament should be in session and not enjoying itself in Switzerland.

but, in view of the Exceptional Crisis, we have thought it right to use these special aids.

1935 to 1999

three mentions

over 64 years

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If an Exceptional Crisis arises he has always the power of veto.

No one knows - at least, apparently the Prime Minister does not know himself - when the Government can intervene in a matter of Exceptional Crisis.

The pig and poultry sectors are in difficulties and the pig sector is going through an Exceptional Crisis.

2001 to 2004

three mentions

over three years

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What effect all of that must have had on all of them is too horrific to contemplate; but terrible though the events of11 September were, no matter how far reaching the economic, political and social consequences of the outrages may yet prove to be, it cannot in all reason be said that we are facing - to quote another international definition of an emergency - "an Exceptional Crisis affecting the whole population amounting to a threat to its organised life".

This is an Exceptional Crisis, which requires an exceptional response from the donor community.

I agree with the point that all hon. Members made that this is an Exceptional Crisis deserving of an exceptional response; the UK Government must do dramatically more than they have so far, and more funding in particular will be needed as part of the scaling-up of our response.


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I had misgivings about the magistrates' courts working in that fashion but I recognise that what they did at that time was seen by the public as entirely appropriate in a situation of Exceptional Crisis.

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