Funds Crisis

Including: Crisis in the Fund, Worst Funds Crisis

4 mentions.

1996 - 2004

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1996 to 2001

three mentions

over five years

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"Fears over pill safety lead to 3,000 more abortions"; "Parents sue after baby's death in 'dirty ward'"; "Air pollution soars above danger levels"; "Hospital drug error may have damaged baby's brain"; "Aids virus on the increase in cities"; and "Hospitals warn of Worst Funds Crisis for years".

Ten days ago, it reported stories that had appeared in the space of a week with headlines as varied as these: "Hospital calls halt for operations not paid for by fundholders" - that was the famous Norfolk and Norwich hospital, which we heard about in last week's Budget statement; "Fears over pill safety lead to 3,000 more abortions"; "Parents sue after baby's death in 'dirty ward'"; "Air pollution soars above danger levels"; "Hospital drug error may have damaged baby's brain"; "Aids virus on the increase in cities"; and "Hospitals warn of Worst Funds Crisis for years".

On25 January 2001, it carried the blaring headline "Care homes at risk in Funds Crisis".


one mention

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If the Government face the prospect of a big company going to the wall, a Crisis in the Fund, which did not contain enough money, a jacking-up of levies to the ceiling, the scrapping of indexation rights, and the need to get an affirmative resolution through the House to cut the protection offered by the pension protection fund, they may well opt for a bail-out.

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