Human Crisis

Including: This Human Crisis, Real Human Crisis, Their Immediate Human Crisis

10 mentions.

1972 - 2016

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1972 to 1996

three mentions

over 24 years

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There is, for example, the tragic situation of those with little bargaining power, direct employees of the Government, who are suffering basic wage rates of as little as £17 a week or hardly more and who are in no position to make us in the House of Commons respond to Their Immediate Human Crisis 448 or need.

Beyond the Human Crisis, we saw a risk of sliding from local fighting, which of course is cruel and destructive, into a regional conflagration, which might spread beyond control.

This is a Human Crisis, as well as an appalling crisis facing the industry.

1999 to 2007

three mentions

over eight years

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The peace process is flawed because, as the children in Sidon demonstrate, the parties to that process are ignoring a Human Crisis that may yet have dangerous consequences for the whole region.

There is a Real Human Crisis out there, because farmers face a huge amount of debt, and their suppliers are carrying large amounts of credit that they have extended to farmers who cannot pay.

Given the scale of This Human Crisis and given that since the beginning of the conflict spending by Britain on military operations has been over £5 billion, does the Minister believe that we are doing enough to help those who have been made refugees?

2009 to 2015

three mentions

over six years

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There will be a lag as people who have been made unemployed find their savings running out, and a Human Crisis as people struggle to avoid losing their homes or being made bankrupt.

It is fair to say that we all want to know who was responsible for presiding over This Human Crisis.

Constituents such as John and Claire from Inverness have told me that the image highlighting the tragedy of This Human Crisis haunts them when they close their eyes.


one mention

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As a number of my hon. Friends have said, it is a Human Crisis not just in terms of the provision of social care, but in terms of the additional pressure that is placed on our health service.

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