Long Term Crisis

Including: Crisis in the Long Term, Major Long Term Crisis

4 mentions.

1947 - 2014

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1947 to 2006

three mentions

over 59 years

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The country is profoundly disturbed because this crisis, which is the symptom of a Long Term Crisis, has for the first time brought home what the propaganda of the Minister of Fuel and Power entirely failed to do.

can our Crisis in the Long Term be brought to an end and individually and collectively can we escape from our dependence on American aid by 1952 and achieve the solvency, by which alone our national dignity can be maintained.

It is very likely to be vetoed through either parliamentary vote or referendum by one of the existing member states in some years' time, and that would create a Major Long Term Crisis in our relations with Turkey.


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I agree with my noble friend that ending the war and defeating extremism will be the way to end the humanitarian Crisis in the Long Term.

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