Many Crisis

Including: Crisis of Many, Crisis in Many

19 mentions.

1844 - 2014

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1844 to 1976

three mentions

over 132 years

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On the subject of silver, he should state that there happened Many Crisis-times of great panic and difficulty, as in the years 1825 and 1826, which was commonly called the bubble year, which ended by almost a general failure.

Therefore, as of tonight, there is a major urgent Crisis in Many of our long-stay mental hospitals.

But I cannot understand an argument which says "We have a Crisis in Many of our inner city areas, and we shall so arrange the rate support grant that the ratepayers in those areas in many cases will pay no addition, but the ratepayers in other areas will pay an additional 30 per cent".

1984 to 1992

four mentions

over eight years

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British Shipbuilders, being acutely aware of the Crisis in Many of the yards in the group, produced a survival plan.

Mr. Nellist: To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how Many Crisis loans were claimed and awarded by the Coventry East and West Department of Social Security offices last year.

Mr. Allen: To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how Many Crisis loans were awarded from the social fund to claimants who were waiting for their first benefit payment in each of the years 1988–89, 1989–90 and 1990–91.

Mr. Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how Many Crisis payments have been made to the victims of the Isledon road flood in Islington by the Euston district social security office.

1993 to 1994

three mentions

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(4) how Many Crisis loans and budgeting loans were allocated in Nottinghamshire during 1992–93.

The Queen's Speech refers to teacher training and clobbering the National Union of Students, but contains nothing to bolster the morale of teachers and parents who are desperately concerned about the Crisis in Many of our schools.

Ms Primarolo: To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how Many Crisis loans were paid for rent in advance for the last year.

1999 to 2003

three mentions

over four years

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NATO will also be the organisation we will use for Many Crisis management operations, in particular those where Europeans and Americans wish to act together.

The noble Lord, Lord Blaker, instanced a number: humanitarian projects; a spill over of old colonial problems; Many Crisis management areas in respect of which we do not need heavy lift, missiles or the whole panoply of Us technology.

We asked how Many Crisis resolution teams worked in its area and whether all those teams offered 24-hour cover; the answer was none.

2011 to 2012

three mentions

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In 2008-09 there were twice as Many Crisis loan applications as in 2006-07 and half of those applicants made two or more applications.

I fear that too many women may opt out of NEST or-this is more likely-fail to continue in NEST when the first financial Crisis of Many hits them in their lives and they realise they cannot access the money and they have nothing else.

The directive is one thing for staff in a metropolitan centre, but it is causing a particular Crisis in Many of our district general hospitals.

2013 to 2014

three mentions

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Given the behavioural Crisis in Many of the financial institutions in recent years, would the Government not be well advised to discuss the merits of such taxation around Europe, rather than reacting like Pavlov's dog to anything just because it comes from Brussels?

The confidential inquiry found that a fifth of people with learning difficulties experience significant difficulty or delay in diagnosis of their illness and that, as a result, there is often too little proactive care for this group and too Many Crisis-driven responses.

We are facing a real Crisis in Many of our big cities and in many other parts of England.

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