NHS Cash Crisis

3 mentions.

1997 - 2007

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1997 to 2007

three mentions

over 10 years

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For example, in a publication calling itself "The Carshalton and Wallington Chronicle", there is an article headed "NHS Cash Crisis: Huge hardship for patients at St. Helier".

Despite all their assurances and promises, and despite the £155 million spent on consultants in 2005-06 and a further £22 million spent on employing "turnaround teams" to support NHS organisations in financial difficulty, they are failingto solve the NHS Cash Crisis.

We remain deeply concerned that this Labour Government's basic reconfiguration of acute hospital services remains rooted in their desperate scramble to mitigate an NHS Cash Crisis of their own incompetent making - a problem that will intensify when the European working time directive comes into force - rather than in meeting the needs of the English public.

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