Overwhelming Crisis

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1952 - 2011

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1952 to 1998

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over 46 years

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From the shadow of an Overwhelming Crisis we have taken a great stride forward, from a deficit of about £460million a year in 1951, first to a balance and then to a surplus which, in the first half of this year, was at an annual rate of nearly £50 million; and therefore we have achieved the target which I gave to the House of an over-all balance half a year ahead of time.

I seek to emphasise this aspect of the problem because when war is declared against crime there is always a danger that the' public will see a situation, similar to that which existed in the war, when there is an Overwhelming Crisis to which we have to bend all our energies irrespective of other considerations.

Chancellor Gordon Brown is keeping a miserly grip on spending despite the Overwhelming Crisis that threatens to engulf our industry.


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Most foundation trusts will say that governor effectiveness takes at least five years but governors, no matter how effective under normal circumstances, may be completely ineffective in times of Overwhelming Crisis.

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