As if to mock the Prime Minister, we get the greatest Crisis in Production that the world his ever known.
Just as, during the war, hon. Members on this side supported many disagreeable limitations on the liberties of the subject, I should have thought that-right hon. Gentlemen opposite could have, in this Crisis of Production, waived some of their party doctrines until the nation was more out of the wood than it is today.
It is clear that there is in this country a very grave Crisis in Production; there may well be, as the hon. Member knows, a very grave continued shortage of food in the future.
The long-term view of the coal position is that it is a Crisis of Production.
In this matter of the Production Crisis, the Government have to show the workers behind them that they remember what they taught the workers in past days, and are not forgetting too much.
Commenting upon the Navy Estimates, and putting forward his own views and the views of some of his colleagues, he says:The dockyards have men and machines not working to capacity, while for a long time we have been told of a Production Crisis and that we must "Work or Want".
The causes of this Crisis in Production are complex but inter-related - the disruption to farming activities due to the fast-track land seizures; natural causes such as the prolonged mid-season drought; and, of course, the HIV/AIDs pandemic.
We face nothing short of a Crisis in the Production of pure science graduates and scientists.
I urge the Government and broadcasters to wake up to the Crisis in the Production of quality public service broadcasting for children.