Social Care Crisis

Including: Great Social Care Crisis, Crisis of Social Care, Crisis in Social Care

63 mentions.

2003 - 2016

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2003 to 2006

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over three years

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Make no mistake, the Crisis in Social Care will get worse because of the settlement.

Will the Minister now accept that there is a real Crisis in Social Care and can he explain why this was completely overlooked in last week's White Paper?

The DRC has described the Bill as a timely response to the Crisis in Social Care.

2007 to 2010

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over three years

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It is a rescue operation for the victims of the worsening Crisis in Social Care.

It is also only one piece of the jigsaw in terms of the Great Social Care Crisis.

It touches only a tiny number of the people who are affected by the problems of the Social Care Crisis, which has been getting worse for many years.


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When will the Minister deliver interim funding relief, so that patients are not stuck in hospitals because they cannot be discharged, and so that we can be sure that we will avoid a Crisis in Social Care?

The second issue relates to the growing Crisis in Social Care.

Since the day when I entered this House, and I am sure for some time before, we have been talking about a Crisis in Social Care; now it has become a scandal that many predicted if action was not taken.


20 mentions

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If the recommendations of the Dilnot commission for social care are implemented speedily with cross-party support there will be a huge saving to the NHS, where many frail and vulnerable people are inappropriately treated because the impending Crisis in Social Care has not been addressed.

Earlier this week, some 1,000 older and disabled people came to lobby their MPs about the Crisis in Social Care.

Despite the fact that we have an increasingly ageing population, we also fail to address additional, related problems, such as the problems of pensions and long-term care, which have led to the Social Care Crisis.

We need to make the point strongly that the NHS and social care are two sides of the same coin, and that if there is a Crisis in Social Care there will soon be a crisis in the NHS.

It means that the NHS will go broke unless we solve the Social Care Crisis now.

It is especially frustrating for those of us in the House who pointed out on many occasions during the passage of the Health and Social Care Bill that it was not much of a social care Bill, with its predominant focus on NHS structures, competition and institutions, and that there were no measures or solutions to address the growing Social Care Crisis.

We know that it is necessary, but given the scale of the problems and the financial Crisis in Social Care, it is woefully inadequate.

Every few weeks we see another article or report about the Crisis in Social Care.

Delayed discharges keep on increasing, which is an indication that the Crisis in Social Care is deepening.

As the noble Lord, Lord Warner, has just made clear in relation to the Social Care Crisis, they cannot further cut services.

I kick off by talking about the Social Care Crisis, identified bythe hon. Member for West Suffolk (Matthew Hancock) and highlighted by my hon. Friend the Member for Westminster North.

We have a Crisis in Social Care.

After all the delays, prevarication and speculation, those of us who were hoping against hope for some sense of an overall strategy, vision and action in the White Paper for dealing with the current and growing Crisis in Social Care are sadly disappointed and let down.

Will he back Labour's call for the Treasury to use £700 million of this year's health underspend to close that funding gap, which is the cause of the Crisis in Social Care?

A delayed solution to the growing Crisis in Social Care is no solution.

Let us be under no illusion: there is a Crisis in Social Care.

It would also make a difference to the way in which local authorities understand the nature of the social care problem - the Social Care Crisis - with which they are having to deal.

It is pretty clear from the contributions so far that there is a funding Crisis in Social Care in a wider context.

Like the majority of noble Lords who have spoken in today's debate, I hope that the Minister's responses will show us that the Government do understand the scale and urgency of the Social Care Crisis and are prepared to take effective action in this Parliament to address it.

Carers are not choosing to give up work, but being forced into doing so by the Crisis in Social Care.


10 mentions

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That means addressing the current and growing Crisis in Social Care and putting in place a better, fairer system for the future.

The Crisis in Social Care is the predominant driver of what we are now seeing in our accident and emergency departments.

But unless this Bill is properly funded, its aspirational principle and welcome structure will just rub salt into the wound of the current Crisis in Social Care.

The Bill must be properly funded and other government departments must work in concert with this legislation if the Social Care Crisis is to be alleviated.

The NHS is already creaking under the weight of our failure to solve the Social Care Crisis.

2 billion could be used in the next two years to help tackle the current Crisis in Social Care and smooth the way to the new system, which we all welcome, by relieving the pressures it will face.

As hon. Members have said, there is a growing Crisis in Social Care for working-age adults with disabilities, and services have now reached breaking point.

That specific Crisis in Social Care for adults with disabilities will lead to a far bigger crisis: a crisis in opportunities for disabled people to live the life they want, which other citizens have; a crisis for taxpayers, because failing to invest in up-front preventive social care services will lead to more expensive NHS and social security bills; and a crisis for our country as whole, as Britain misses out on the talents and contribution of disabled people and we all end up paying more as the price of failure.

If the Government do not agree with the intention behind the amendment, it is clear that they accept, no doubt at the Treasury's insistence, that the Social Care Crisis should continue for years to come.

In fact, I think that the growing Crisis in Social Care is the biggest threat to people suffering from dementia and the largest challenge we face.


five mentions

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Labour Members talk about a Crisis in Social Care, but per-head funding for social care fell in the last term of the previous Government.

Other hon. Members have raised concerns about the funding implications, and the original Dilnot report, one of the foundation stones of the Bill, made it clear that insufficient funding would hamper the effectiveness of any attempts to implement reforms, including the ones in this Bill, and that long-term social care funding will work only if the current Crisis in Social Care is addressed first.

Nor will it do anything for the Crisis in Social Care, which has seen the number of older people receiving support falling by more than a quarter since 2005.

Does he agree that the recent abolition of the Independent Living Fund, with no ring-fencing of the transferred resources, will only exacerbate the Social Care Crisis?

But instead of focusing on achieving the best possible outcomes for people with the resources available, the Prime Minister caused chaos: 4,000 staff were laid off and rehired; nurse numbers have not kept pace with demand; training places were cut; there are not enough GPs; training has been scaled back; hospitals are tied up in competition law; and savage cuts have been made to local authorities, leading to a Crisis in Social Care and so pushing more and more elderly people into A and E when they should be getting the care they need at home.


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The NHS is under attack from some in the press, when much of the problem can be laid at the door of the Social Care Crisis.

The Government need to get a grip and address the Crisis in Social Care in order to relieve the pressure on A&E departments and GP surgeries.

I emphasise that this very stark submission to government represents the collective view on the deepening Social Care Crisis from care providers, commissioners and national organisations from across the private, public and voluntary sectors.

The Social Care Crisis is affecting people all over the country, including those who have sustained an injury or condition while serving our country.

As the Minister will be aware, our country is in the grip of a growing Social Care Crisis, with significant funding shortfalls projected by 2020.


14 mentions

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In the north-east we expect to have a substantial Crisis in Social Care as a result of the Government's failure to grip the issue.

Even Conservative councils cannot wait till 2019 for the funding that the Chancellor has allocated, so will he act now to avoid a further Crisis in Social Care?

The Crisis in Social Care in Liverpool will not be resolved by either the new precepts suggested or the Minister's statement today, as it is the result of the 58% cumulative cut in funds by central Government on the poorest area in the country.

It is lacklustre, weak and pathetic; it simply does not address the Social Care Crisis in this country today.

That could at least help us with what is an emerging Social Care Crisis.

We need that money today, because the Crisis in Social Care is here, it is now and it is literally killing the council financially.

As my hon. Friendthe Member for Stalybridge and Hyde (Jonathan Reynolds) pointed out, even an increase in social care funding through the precept will barely cover the cost of introducing the national living wage and certainly will not meet the Social Care Crisis.

Hull, like many other northern cities, is left facing a Social Care Crisis, even with the social care levy that the Government have announced.

They have cut public health funding, and there is a Social Care Crisis locally and problems with the junior doctors contract.

We all know that the recently announced council tax social care precept is nowhere near enough to plug the funding gap, so we should be deeply concerned by the wider Crisis in Social Care, and not only in its own right, but because of the impact it will have on the national health service.

There is concern across the House about the Crisis in Social Care.

Tomorrow, people can make their own choices about the Crisis of Social Care, the housing crisis in this country, the unprecedented cuts to local councils in the areas of greatest need, and thecuts to further education, taking opportunities away from young people.

Clearly, if there is a Crisis in Social Care, that will have a direct knock-on effect on the NHS.

Instead of providing measures to tackle this and the Crisis in Social Care, we get more cuts to older people's services.

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