That Important Crisis

5 mentions.

1809 - 1853

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1809 to 1820

three mentions

over 11 years

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They have performed their duty with zeal and ability; and the beneficial tweets of the measure, as far as it has 830 gone, is fully admitted on both sides of the house; and although gentlemen may indulge themselves, on the present occasion, in talking of jobs and parliamentary influrence, yet, sure I am, that no such imputation was cast upon the measure at the time of the Union; but on the contrary, it was perhaps the single measure which, at That Important Crisis, was received with perfect approbation by both sides of the house.

That Important Crisis had now arrived.

There was a list of a dozen respectable names, every one of whom was divorced from her majesty at That Important Crisis, because of some impropriety going on.

1828 to 1853

two mentions

over 25 years

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It was far from his intention to insinuate blame upon any individual, with reference to that event; but it must be admitted, as an historical fact, that in That Important Crisis the sovereign was surrounded with 721 peculiar difficulties.

It was always my opinion that the real question to be decided by the country at That Important Crisis was, not whether protection should be restored, or whether the principle of free trade should be continued.

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