Tremendous Crisis

Including: This Tremendous Crisis

22 mentions.

1804 - 2011

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1804 to 1883

three mentions

over 79 years

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He rejoiced, that at This Tremendous Crisis, when we were menaced with a formidable invasion, our efforts were not likely to be damped by sorrow at the heavy calamity of our Sovereign's indisposition.

Landed proprietors should endeavour to aid themselves and the people at This Tremendous Crisis".

In This Tremendous Crisis, both for Ireland and this country, when they had a good man, carrying his life in his hand, in order to rightly appreciate the real state of the case and overcome the difficulty, let him not be thwarted; let them not cease to give him a cordial and generous support, nor seek to paralyze his arm.

1884 to 1902

three mentions

over 18 years

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But the Caucus of Birmingham would pass its resolutions, the penny newspapers would talk about a Tremendous Crisis.

If all States should resolve on the adoption of a gold standard the question arose, Would there be sufficient gold for the purpose without a Tremendous Crisis?

I have endeavoured to prove that these contracts occurred solely in the pressure of one or two months of a Tremendous Crisis; and I ask the Committee to believe that the Government is as earnest as any one can be to put down the scandals that have arisen in exceptional circumstances.

1917 to 1926

three mentions

over nine years

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If I am right in saying that these were the terms upon which you could secure the hearty cooperation of the farmers of the three Kingdoms in all the difficulties with regard to materials and implements and labour, then it was a wise and necessary war measure, and that is what I venture to say it is; and when this Debate comes to be considered, and when hon. Members come to appreciate what we have been talking about, what we have really been debating— that is, the question whether we shall use compulsion to secure our food supplies in the most Tremendous Crisis that has ever come upon us in that respect, and whether we shall do it upon terms which are accepted by those who are concerned in the matter as reasonably fair, or at any rate not oppressive—when that comes to be appreciated, then better justice will be done to this measure than has been done in the course of some of the speeches in this Debate.

That is the great 351 difficulty that I have had to face in framing any policy of agriculture in This Tremendous Crisis.

We have, I am glad to say, decided to drop the Trade Facilities Act, but now the Government come down, on a Friday, in the middle of a Tremendous Crisis, when people interested in this subject cannot get here, and calmly ask us to pass a resolution guaranteeing £33,500,000.

1934 to 1940

four mentions

over six years

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On that occasion a very large sum of money was spent in taking over the catch at a very difficult time, and, indeed, it did tide the industry over a Tremendous Crisis and enable them to face the years that then followed with good prospects of success, which, were in fact realised, and after that they had a series of years in which, if they did not attain to the heights of pre-war prosperity, they were at any rate on a very firm economic foundation, or rather on an economic foundation firm enough to carry the industry over a considerable period of years.

I cannot see either Germany or ourselves stopping rearmament without the most Tremendous Crisis occurring, and it seems to me a cynical reflection on the ability of modern statesmanship that it might indeed be a fact that both countries would have to go on making armaments in order to stop an internal crisis.

Frankly, I had hoped that the Tremendous Crisis which the country is facing to-day would have induced the Government not to submit to the House Regulations relating to the destinies and conditions of the most aged section of our population.

We have come to a Tremendous Crisis and, as far as we are concerned, to the greatest crisis in the war.

1946 to 1966

three mentions

over 20 years

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I think we are facing a Tremendous Crisis, both at home and abroad, and I hope the House will rise to the occasion and that hon. Members will speak their minds, for there is only one answer to it, and that is by putting party in the second place and the national interest first.

Those of us who take an interest in industry can be under no delusions as to the Tremendous Crisis which faces British industry.

I do not think that this picture of a coalmining industry being in a Tremendous Crisis is helpful to the industry or to halting the drift of miners from the pits.

1976 to 2000

three mentions

over 24 years

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Economically, we have been through a Tremendous Crisis, sterling has fallen at an unprecedented rate, and we are facing an enormous balance of payments deficit as well as mounting unemployment.

By 1990, when ILEA goes, there will be a Tremendous Crisis because the playing fields will go to the London residuary body.

The NHS does a wonderful job, but it is facing a Tremendous Crisis.

2001 to 2011

three mentions

over 10 years

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This is an especially appropriate time to discuss that aspect, as the rural economy faces a Tremendous Crisis this summer, which will have a marked effect on the growth of the economy as a whole, when the knock-on effect of the foot and mouth epidemic on many associated rural and countryside industries is felt.

There is no questioning the fact that the Government are doing well in This Tremendous Crisis.

What has not been recognised enough by opponents of the Bill is the Tremendous Crisis that is taking place in Europe over the European Union.

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