Uk Crisis

Including: Current Uk Crisis, Crisis in the Uk

10 mentions.

2001 - 2016

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2001 to 2004

three mentions

over three years

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Who knows what we shall see at the end of the Current Uk Crisis?

The Uk Crisis management machinery is based on a proven response capability, co-ordinated through the Cabinet Office.

As the Select Committee report makes clear, there is no looming Crisis in the Uk, but action is needed now to meet the future challenges of an ageing population.

2009 to 2011

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One of last week's revelations was the fairly clear indication from independent outside bodies, such as the International Monetary Fund, that the Crisis in the Uk is significantly worse than that of almost any other developed country.

I think that we all agree that there is an economic Crisis in the Uk, but it was caused neither by excessive public spending nor by the “gold-plated” pensions and pay of public sector workers.


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We cannot yet call it a Crisis in the Uk, but some indications are ominous, particularly as no new antibiotics are in the development pipeline to treat some important infections.

I first encountered Mrs Thatcher almost 40 years ago when, as a young television producer at ITV, my colleagues and I, several of whom I see here with us today in the Chamber, chronicled the deepening Crisis in the Uk in that grimmest of decades to which many of your Lordships have already referred-the 1970s.

I have always leant towards the Keynesian side of the argument, but I have to accept that the Uk Crisis since 2008 is different from that in the 1930s.


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It is a Uk Crisis, but it is hitting Scotland hard, particularly his constituency.

Of course, one of the underlying reasons that the dairy industry is in such Crisis in the Uk leads, I believe, directly from the scrapping of the Milk Marketing Board, which happened after I left the department.

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