In the greater part of that speech he dwelt, as we have all dwelt, as we feel bound to dwell, upon the problems forced upon our attention by the Present Ulster Crisis.
Army—Effect of Ulster Crisis, 1205.
Army, Effect of Ulster Crisis on, 949.
Ulster Crisis, Effect of, 942, 949.
I said, "That may be all very well," but to withdraw the guns—as I was advised to do—and to withdraw the ammunition and everything else, would give the appearance of retreating before a superior force, and in so doing would infallibly have tended to precipitate the very thing we wished to obviate—a Crisis in Ulster and in the South and West of Ireland.
These men never tried to do one-tenth part of what was done at the time of the Ulster Crisis, and yet some of them for their writings upon this subject have received heavy sentences and the printer was sentenced to three years' imprisonment.
The Minister also knows perfectly well that these forces were substantially used for the Ulster Crisis last summer.
I want to concentrate on one aspect only of Ulster, the coverage of the Crisis in Ulster by radio and television, and by the B.B.C. in particular.
I appreciate that the Crisis in Ulster has meant that a great deal of equipment has had to be diverted to Ulster rather than be supplied to the new units.
Thank God he was not in charge during the Crisis in Ulster in the last fortnight.
The first thing that happened was that the Ulster Crisis took much of their equipment.
Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that since the Ulster Crisis began it has not been possible for us to maintain our agreed force level in Germany - a figure of 55,000?
Above all, they are about territory - the mosaic of settlement - on what is described as the "narrow ground", which has done so much to forge the patterns of conflict that have characterised almost every stage of the so-called Ulster Crisis.