The noble Lord dealt with the question whether the relief of able-bodied men out of the poor rate was necessary; and I agree with the noble Lord that an indiscriminate relief of the able-bodied out of the poor rate is not a remedy to be recommended at This Unhappy Crisis.
In the Unhappy Crisis of 1857, though smarting under the insults and the injuries of the Company, he stood faithfully and loyally by the British Crown and the British people.
They are regulations which, in the opinion of the Government, it is necessary to maintain for some short period still in order to make sure that as the Unhappy Crisis through which we have been passing and its effects are gradually merging into normal working that there shall not be, owing to the export of coal, any lack to domestic or industrial consumers of a supply of coal, and to ensure that the public utility services shall operate in such a way as is most expedient in the national interest.