Access Crisis

Including: Crisis of Access, Crisis in Access

6 mentions.

2002 - 2014

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2002 to 2005

three mentions

over three years

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Does the Minister accept that there is a Crisis in Access to affordable housing to buy in the seven counties of the south-west?

The Minister knows that I was keen to secure the debate because there is something of a Crisis in Access to drug rehabilitation services, particularly in South Somerset.

They have made significant changes to take account of the new technology and to increase access, and I do not accept that there is an Access Crisis.

2007 to 2014

three mentions

over seven years

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Will he look into the problem in the English Heritage and Department for Culture, Media and Sport project for archives in the regions, which has ground to a halt causing a Crisis in Access to archaeological and museum archives?

We said in the debate in the summer that the Crisis of Access to student places should have been foreseen.

Instead of being a country that can no longer afford a spiralling drug bill and that, through inevitable rationing, becomes an ever less attractive place to develop and launch new drugs - accelerating our Crisis in Access to medicines - we could become the best territory in the world in which to do patient-centred drug design, and thus get the fastest access to the latest medicines.

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