Crisis in Connection

5 mentions.

1902 - 1939

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1902 to 1914

three mentions

over 12 years

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He could not in the least comprehend in presence of so important a conjuncture and so grave a Crisis in Connection with the trade of England as we had in the shipping "combine," how the First Lord of the Admiralty could have ventured to pay a new subsidy to the White Star Line.

SIR EDWARD SASSOON (Hythe): I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether any steps are being taken here, apart from any action that may be contemplated by the Government of India, for relieving the tension of the Crisis in Connection with the deficiency of wagons and rolling stock, which is causing prejudice and inconvenience to the commercial community and loss to the railways.

We all know there was a very serious Crisis in Connection with the Army at that time.

1931 to 1939

two mentions

over eight years

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It is only a few months since the nation was faced with such an enormous Crisis in Connection with unemployment that all local authorities were called together here in London and asked to speed up all their public works, and to develop works wherever they could, in order to provide employment during the winter.

In May there was a Crisis in Connection with Czecho-Slovakia and a threat of marching by Germany, but France declared that she would stand by her Treaty with Czecho-Slovakia and defend her if attacked.

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