Crisis in Mathematics

7 mentions.

1961 - 2007

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two mentions

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It is true that he drew attention to the fact that industry was not taking very much interest in the diplomas oftechnology, but no one would have known that he was quoting from the article by Dr. Crank headed, "Crisis in Mathematics", he was very selective in the quoting which he did.

The right hon. Gentleman denied that and he quoted, most unfairly, from an article by Dr. Crank called "The Crisis in Mathematics" Conveniently, the right hon. Gentleman quoted from that article, but now I quote from the conclusion of it, which is:It must be obvious by now that we are confronted with a national problem of considerable magnitude.


three mentions

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We have a Crisis in Mathematics in our schools, and it is essential to put the matter right.

The fact is that we have a great Crisis in Mathematics in our schools, and it is time that the Government recognised it.

It shows that there is a Crisis in Mathematics in the schools.

1996 to 2007

two mentions

over 11 years

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There is a shortfall of 2,000 teachers in the secondary sector if the Government's own targets are to be met, so there is a looming Crisis in Mathematics, science and English teaching.

Although it has risen slightly, to 50,000, there is still a Crisis in Mathematics.

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