Crisis in Some Part

Including: Crisis in Some Parts

7 mentions.

1962 - 2013

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1962 to 1997

three mentions

over 35 years

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We cannot be satisfied that sufficient has been done to get enough teachers back into the schools to avoid a Crisis in Some Parts of the country.

I hope that the hon. Gentleman will look not only at shipbuilding but also at the allied question of ship repairing, in which there is a real Crisis in Some Parts of the country, especially Merseyside.

Can he not accept that there is a Crisis in Some Parts of the national health service, and that it is not good enough for him and other Ministers just to conceal the true state of affairs this side of a general election?

2003 to 2008

three mentions

over five years

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If that is the case, why is there a Crisis in Some Parts of the country, such as Cumbria?

I want to raise an issue that has not had the attention it deserves and which is fast becoming a Crisis in Some Parts of the country.

The acute nature of the Crisis in Some Parts of the world has already forced the World Food Programme to reallocate some of its resources.


one mention

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Otherwise I would be willing to bet a reasonable sum of money that when there is a financial Crisis in Some Part of the country at some point in the future, a bright spark in a local authority will light upon the chargeability of carers for particular services.

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