Crisis in the Relationship

Including: Crisis in Our Relationships, Crisis in Our Relationship, Crisis in the Relationships, Crisis in Their Relationship

14 mentions.

1957 - 2016

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1957 to 1966

three mentions

over nine years

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I believe that we are approaching a Crisis in Our Relationships with the Commonwealth economically.

I am the last person to underrate what is at stake here, but it does no justice to the good sense of journalists or Members of Parliament to suggest that there is a Crisis in Our Relationship.

It is always a temptation in a foreign affairs debate to adopt a tour d'horizon approach, ranging from Paris to Peking or West Africa to West Iran, but I shall try to confine my remarks to the Middle East and some of the problems there, perhaps because the Crisis in the Relationships between the Arab States and Israel is mounting at such a rate that the United Nations may in the near future be much more concerned about a new outbreak of conflict in that area than it is at present in dealing with the question of sanctions against Rhodesia.

1979 to 1986

three mentions

over seven years

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It would have created for us a Crisis in Our Relationship with the United States.

I should like to concentrate on one aspect of the Crisis in the Relationships between the Government and local government in relation to the dispute about teachers' salaries, about which there were exchanges in the House earlier today.

An adverse verdict would lead to a Crisis in the Relationship between Britain and the rest of the EEC.

1991 to 1999

three mentions

over eight years

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In addition to the political changes and the lack of economic progress, there has been another major broad development - the Crisis in the Relationship between the central and republican authorities.

The Minister almost salivated over his dinner at the prospect of the new Labour Government provoking a Crisis in Their Relationship with the old Labour trade unions, giving new Labour the opportunity to break the trade union link.

A says there is a Crisis in the Relationship between the two.

2004 to 2008

three mentions

over four years

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In so far as I believe that the inevitable course we are on is one of Crisis in the Relationship between the two Houses, I should like to set down for students of these issues where we are on this Bill.

I am sorry to speak to the House in such a way this afternoon, but I believe that there is a developing Crisis in the Relationship between the two Houses.

At the very least, the people who want the referendum believing that they will win a no vote - and none of them would demand a referendum if they thought they would lose it - know that it would cause a deep, deep Crisis in Our Relationships with the rest of the European Union.

2011 to 2016

two mentions

over five years

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These dangers are exemplified by the current Crisis in the Relationships among the police, press and politicians.

Perhaps some of that is, as the noble Lord suggested, to do with the fact that the United Kingdom is going through a somewhat existential Crisis in Our Relationship with the European Union.

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