Crisis of November

Including: Crisis in November

5 mentions.

1965 - 1998

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1965 to 1966

three mentions

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We say that the sterling Crisis of November, the resulting damage to this country's position in the world and the damage to our economy arose from the follies of the Government.

It was after the initial Crisis in November 1964 that the Prime Minister said at the Guildhall dinner: We shall not hesitate to take any further steps that at any time are or become necessary.

There have been three crises - the Crisis of November, 1964, that of July, 1965, and that of July, 1966.

1969 to 1998

two mentions

over 29 years

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First, the scheme was introduced in the atmosphere of the international monetary Crisis of November, 1968.

There was a Crisis in November about the composition of UNSCOM teams, which was resolved by Saddam Hussein agreeing to allow the inspectors back in, following a diplomatic agreement brokered by the Russians.

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