The "Times" Riga correspondent is no friend f the Soviet system, but he is well informed as to facts and details, and he published two articles, one a little before and another a little after the Czech Crisis, giving the Russian strength in aeroplanes, etc.
, at a time when the Czech Crisis is in full swing.
I was astounded that at a time like this, when the Czech Crisis is on, he should start talking about N.A.T.O.
Whatever view is taken of the Czech Crisis, the Soviet invasion of the Czechoslovak people is clearly based on the fear that their Communist system, as understood by Marxism and Leninism, is about to collapse.
tonight in Brussels to discuss certain European implications of the Czech Crisis.
I hope that my hon. Friend will draw the implications of the Czech Crisis and recognise that he is indeed lucky to be a member of a country which is not liable to that type of intervention.
What I believe the Czech Crisis has demonstrated is that Russia's inability to disengage peacefully from her colonial position in Eastern Europe may present threats to peace in the future even more serious than that last August.
This can be so in some circumstances and the hon. Gentleman will be aware that 6 Brigade returned to Germany shortly after the Czech Crisis and demonstrated its capability of reinforcement in case of need.
We are making these increases because we believe, particularly in the light of the Czech Crisis and continuing Soviet pressure on Berlin, that they are a necessary contribution by Britain towards maintaining the strength and solidarity of N.A.T.O.
As he knows, the order for the additional 20 aircraft was announced in November, 1968, as part of our intention to increase our contribution to SACEUR following the Czech Crisis.
I recall that before the Czech Crisis the Russians took a very long time to move their reserves to their units in Eastern Europe.
, unlike the North American members, have substantially increased their contributions since the Czech Crisis and are taking effective steps to fill the gap left by the withdrawal of the Canadian Brigade.
The Czech Crisis led to some significant strengthening in the N.A.T.O.
One has only to think of the East Berlin riots, the Berlin blockade, the Czech Crisis, and even the recent Polish crisis, to realise that all these matters could have been discussed in very different terms if both sides of the Iron Curtain had not possessed a strategic and tactical nuclear capability.