Different Crisis

4 mentions.

1974 - 2010

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1974 to 1999

three mentions

over 25 years

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For that we had the estimable authority of the right hon. Member for Wolverhampton, South-West (Mr. Powell), who told us at that moment of a Different Crisis, when unemployment was going up despite reflationary measures:we are in a new period when the rate of obsolescence, of technological change, of increase in productivity, has, at any rate for a time, outstripped the rate at which we are producing new needs, new demands and new methods of fulfilling them".

That was a Different Crisis.

support for boys, young men and fathers; supporting stepfamilies; adoption policy and practice; the support available to families at Different Crisis points; and ensuring that Government funding for families fits together well.


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The strategy should recognise how people may behave in Different Crisis situations, and I do not know what might be done with our technology in 2010, but certainly in July 2005 the load on the mobile phone networks was immense.

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