Emotional Crisis

Including: Their Emotional Crisis, Serious Emotional Crisis

11 mentions.

1943 - 2015

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1943 to 1985

three mentions

over 42 years

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Since then, there has been the curious epilogue of Mr. Gandhi's fast to capacity,happily successful in that respect, happily unsuccessful in the attempt to coerce the Government of India into granting his unconditional release by the creation of an Emotional Crisis.

Many speakers have referred to the Emotional Crisis through which many young people pass to-day, but moral codes are weaker and standards of behaviour are lower.

This is a very plausible argument, and I can see that it contains a good deal of force, but even within the same school individual circumstances already sometimes cause one child, perhaps because of problems at home, or because of an Emotional Crisis, or for some other reason, not to be subject to corporal punishment.

1987 to 1993

three mentions

over six years

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The death of a relative causes an Emotional Crisis for many people.

This would, for example, allow access to be given after rather than in the middle of a Serious Emotional Crisis.

There are many vulnerable people in prison, and we cannot remove all the causes of distress which lead to Emotional Crisis.

1996 to 2005

three mentions

over nine years

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It is based on reality and its spirit credits individuals with intelligence and expects them to face the responsibilities that they have to face at a time of Emotional Crisis.

As the hon. Member for Northampton, North (Ms Keeble) said, the concern extends to teachers with pupils who are or have been direct or indirect victims, to general practitioners who need to be able to spot the signs of Emotional Crisis as well as the physical wounds, and to health visitors who need training to ask the right questions.

They have to report on two people who, but for the break up of their relationship, would probably never come to the attention of the state; two reasonable people in all other respects but each facing a time of Emotional Crisis for which none of us would be well equipped.

2014 to 2015

two mentions

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The individual's life is at great risk and they have committed no crime, yet no one seems to take responsibility for giving them support and assistance during Their Emotional Crisis.

It is not only better but cheaper to ensure that these children come through the Emotional Crisis of losing a parent or someone important to them without being traumatised.

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