Gravest Industrial Crisis

4 mentions.

1947 - 1982

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1947 to 1979

three mentions

over 32 years

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I do not suppose that the right hon. Gentleman, who, I understand, is to reply to the Debate, will disagree with my statement that, at the moment, we in this country are confronted with the Gravest Industrial Crisis that has faced us at any time in the last 20 years.

When, nearly three weeks ago, speaking in this House on the day when the Minister of Fuel and Power announced the catastrophic cuts in electricity supply, I expressed the opinion that this country was facing the Gravest Industrial Crisis for 20 years, the right hon. Gentleman and others derided the warning.

Is he not aware that we are in the Gravest Industrial Crisis for many, many years?


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I start by discussing the Gravest Industrial Crisis we face - that in steel.

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