There is no hotter party political point than this question of food, but we must remember, however, that we are speaking today in the shadow of a really Grim Crisis and that if we do not pull this country out of its difficulties and do not balance our payments, nothing she has referred to will equal the devastation and misery which will occurr in this country.
It is because some of Her Majesty's Ministers have been enthused with the same kind of miscalculations and unrealistic views about the position that the country is facing This Grim Crisis.
At the time of the Second Reading debate of the original Family Allowances Bill there was also a Grim Crisis.
This Grim Crisis has made us all realise that the Government's long honeymoon is finally over.
Indeed, should not the removal of sanctions and restrictions be made contingent on following through with carefully worked out steps towards free elections and the adoption of economic reforms necessary to alleviate This Grim Crisis?