Military Crisis

Including: Another Military Crisis, This Military Crisis, Grave Military Crisis, Great Military Crisis, Possible Military Crisis, Any Military Crisis, Immediate Military Crisis

41 mentions.

1883 - 2004

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1883 to 1903

three mentions

over 20 years

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He (Lord Strathnairn) himself and his Colleagues entertained the same belief, that it was their duty to tell Parliament and the country the truth as to these two Services; and whatever might be the result of This Military Crisis, it would always be a consolation to them to do their duty by their Sovereign and their country.

Then, again, unless we contributed something it would be difficult for English Commanders to act in a Military Crisis on their own responsibility for the defence of the conntry.

Comparing to-day with the time when the scheme was rashly introduced, is it not probable that the sober judgment of the present is sounder and more worthy of acceptance than opinions hurriedly formed, cursorily debated, Hastily adopted in the midst of a Grave Military Crisis, when the country had to concentrate its attention on the present and had little leisure to consider the future?

1918 to 1940

three mentions

over 22 years

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Nothing could 1352 justify such drastic action except an overwhelming emergency, precipitated by a Great Military Crisis.

The hon. Member for South Poplar said that, if Another Military Crisis occurred, the men would not go.

Last week we had, fortunately, a political and not a Military Crisis, and one feels that the military situation even last week was well in hand.

1955 to 1962

three mentions

over seven years

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Now when the perspective is beginning to lengthen and we are able to lift our eyes from the immediate and disagreeable task of trying to build strength against a Possible Military Crisis fairly near ahead, I think that we must give this economic side of the United Nations work a far bigger place in our policy.

I think it is essential that we should bring every effort to bear on ensuring that people generally understand that what they are being asked to do and what their sons are being asked to do under this Bill - is not to meet a Military Crisis but to pay the price of bungling incompetence in the Ministry of Defence and this Tory Government as a whole.

There is another contest in which we are engaged - the economic and industrial test, for which we are as ill-equipped as we are for Any Military Crisis.

1963 to 1984

two mentions

over 21 years

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Or is the hon. Lady advancing the argument that if tomorrow the Government and the country were faced with a Military Crisis which involved the calling up of some 2 million or 3 million National Service men who still have reserve obligations that the wives and children of those men would not be entitled to any payment for weeks and weeks because of the impossibility of settling the individual claims?

Should that happen, the ability of that section of the industry to respond quickly could not suddenly be resuscitated in the event of a Military Crisis.


three mentions

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ESDP Military and Non-Military Crisis Management: Preparation in View of the European Council in Helsinki The Presidency briefed Ministers on work underway on European defence.

Mr. Vaz: The Presidency have carried forward the conclusions of the European Council at Cologne on non-Military Crisis response tools, and will present a report to the European Council at Helsinki suggesting how the Cologne conclusions may be taken further.

In addition, they agreed Conclusions adopting two Presidency reports, one on Strengthening the Common European Policy on Security and Defence and one on Non-Military Crisis Management, as part of a strengthened common European policy on security and defence.


17 mentions

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Mr. Bercow: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what are the non-Military Crisis response tools referred to in Section 56 of the Cologne Presidency Conclusions.

In pursuit of this remit, the Presidency report adopted by the Helsinki European Council on "Non-Military Crisis management of the European Union" outlined further action on non-military aspects of security.

Scrutiny of documents submitted to Helsinki council Document title Reference Deposited in vote office Date of explanatory memoranda (EM) Comment Enlargement: Council report on the European Conference 13764/99 No — Sent to European Scrutiny Committee for information Enlargement: Commission Composite Paper 12053/99 3 November 1999 FCO EMs of 22 and 29 November 1999 — IGC on Institutional Reform: Presidency Report 13636/99 No — Sent to European Scrutiny Committee under cover of letter from FCO Minister of State Enlargement: Guidelines for reform and Operational Recommendations 13863/99 No — Sent to European Scrutiny Committee under cover of letter from FCO Minister of State CFSP: Presidency Reports on Military and Non-Military Crisis Management 13619/1/99 14 December 1999 FCO EMs of 30 November 1999 addressing security and defence, and military crisis separately — Common Strategy on Russia: Presidency progress report and workplan 13483/1/99 No — Sent to European Scrutiny Committee for information Common Strategy on Ukraine 13523/2/99 14 December 1999 FCO EM of 30 November 1999 — Stability Pact for SE Europe: Report on EU action 13814/99 — — Sent to European Scrutiny Committee for information Economic and Monetary Affairs: Council Report on Economic Policy Co-ordination 13123/1/99 15 February 2000 EM under preparation — Economic and Monetary Affairs: Council Report on Reinforced Tax Co-operation 13140/1/99 27 January 2000 Treasury EM of 17 January 2000 — Economic and Monetary Affairs: Presidency report reviewing the Fight against Fraud 13329/99 No — Sent to European Scrutiny Committee for information Employment: Joint Employment Report 1999 10993/99, 13607/99 8 October 1999 (version 10993/99) DfEE EM of 18 October 1999 — Employment: Council Report on Employment Guidelines 2000 10992/99, 13605/99 8 October 1999 (version 10992/99) DfEE EM of 18 October 1999 — Employment: Council recommendation on the implementation of member States' employment policies 10994/99,13608/99 11 October 1999 (version 10994/99) DfEE EM of 18 October 1999 — Council Report: for Integrating environmental aspects and sustainable development into energy policy 13773/99 11 January 2000 DTI EM of 4 January 2000 — Council Report: on strategy on the integration of environmental and sustainable development into transport policy 11717/99 — — EM under preparation Council Report: Integration of environmental protection and sustainable development into the Internal Market policy 11393/99, 13622/99 7 January 2000 (version 11393/99) DTI EM of 11 January 2000 — Council Report: Integrating sustainable development into the industry policy of the EU 13549/1/99 6 January 2000 26 October 1999 — Council Report: Strategy on the environmental integration and sustainable development in common agriculture policy established by the Agriculture Council 12328/99, 13078/99 26 November 1999 (version 12328/99) 28 November 1999 — Council Report on the integration of environment in the Community's development policies 13644/99 No DfID unnumbered EM of 29 October 1999 — Commission Report on integrating environment and sustainable development into Community policies 13572/99 No — Sent to European Scrutiny Committee for information.

Mr. Vaz: The Portuguese EU Presidency will report on progress to the European Council at Feira between 19–20 June on the mechanisms for involving non-EU European countries in Military Crisis management.

Mr. Charles Clarke: The Presidency Report to the Feira European Council on "Strengthening the Common European Security and Defence Policy" looks at establishing concrete targets for civilian police capabilities as part of a wider initiative on international non-Military Crisis management operations.

A few months ago at Feira, the European Council looked ahead to establishing permanent new arrangements in the EU for Military Crisis management shortly after Nice.

In pursuit of its common Foreign and Security Policy, the European Union is developing its capacity to undertake Military Crisis 558W management operations where the alliance as a whole is not engaged.

The aims of the initiative remain the same: to strengthen the military capabilities of EU member states and European Allies and to enable the Council of the EU to decide to launch and to conduct a Military Crisis management operation (a Petersberg task) where the alliance as a whole is not engaged.

Article 2 and Title V of the Treaty on European Union provide the legal base for the EU's CFSP activity, including Military Crisis management.

Mr. Vaz: The Government expect that the European Council at Nice will take decisions on the necessary arrangements to enable the Council of the European Union to decide to launch and to conduct a Military Crisis management operation (a Petersberg task) where the alliance as a whole is not engaged.

Mr. Hoon: The commitments we have made to develop the Military Crisis management capabilities of the European Union will strengthen both the European Union and NATO.

The European Union has stated repeatedly that its aim is to have the ability to conduct Military Crisis management operations only where NATO as a whole is not engaged.

The European Union has stated repeatedly that its aim is to have the ability to conduct Military Crisis management operations only when NATO as a whole is not engaged.

We have always agreed that decisions to launch Military Crisis management operations must be taken by the member states by consensus.

Dr. Julian Lewis: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what criteria he will apply in distinguishing between Military Crisis management operations and war fighting.

Mr. Vaz: Decisions on the deployment of United Kingdom forces on EU-led Military Crisis management operations are decisions for the Government of the United Kingdom.

The EU will act in Military Crisis management only where NATO as a whole is not engaged.


five mentions

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When I asked the Secretary of State what criteria he will apply in distinguishing between Military Crisis management operations and war fighting, his answer, printed at the same column, was: The most demanding case is peace enforcement and armed forces deployed for this task must be able to exercise their authority and ensure compliance by the use of force if necessary.

The Belgian presidency will also take forward work on the European Security and Defence Policy, preparing a decision by Heads of State and Government for the EU to become operational in Military Crisis management, by the December Summit in Laeken at the latest.

As the noble Lord indicated, of course we share the objective of making the EU operational for Military Crisis management as soon as possible.

In a joint meeting with defence ministers, the GAC issued a Declaration which outlined an action plan to take forward work to meet the Helsinki headline goal (the ability, by 2003, for member states to be able to deploy up to 60,000 personnel within 60 days for Military Crisis management operations).

Once the current, Immediate Military Crisis is over - thanks to the amazing achievements of the armed services, not least our own, it looks as though we may be nearly there - I hope that we recognise that we cannot walk away from Afghanistan again.


four mentions

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Mr. Hoon: Discussions are continuing between EU member states over the financial arrangements to be put in place for European military and any non-Military Crisis management operations under the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Only through such co-operation will we be able to make a more effective contribution to the alliance and undertake Military Crisis response operations where NATO as a whole chooses not to be engaged.

In the Government's response to our first report of July 2000, they had stressed that while the aim was for the EU to have a strengthened capacity for Military Crisis management, the EU also had, "the ability to deploy a range of tools in crisis management - diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions and visa ban lists.

That is an example of the way in which the UK works with EU partners to provide the nuts and bolts needed for Military Crisis management.


one mention

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Change might include confrontation and a move towards a Military Crisis that could include a break into conflict.

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