Mining Crisis, Advantage Taken of, 2399.
and when you, Mr. Chairman, put the question "That the Clause stand part of the Bill," we shall continue our observations on the eight-hours question in relation to the Present Mining Crisis.
In connection with the Great Mining Crisis we had the Eight Hours Bill which was described as a temporary and permissive Measure.
The Mining Crisis is an illustration.
Let us for a moment consider the attitude of the Government with regard to the Recent Mining Crisis.
The Mining Crisis and the case for the miners has, I think I should be correct in saying, never been stated with greater clearness than it has been stated at the present time, and the support of the miners' case has never been more pronounced.
A Mining Crisis is rapidly developing and the next few weeks will be important weeks for the mining industry.
I have not in mind so much the Mining Crisis as the foreign situation.
He spoke of his own recollection of the Mining Crisis of the autumn of 1935; I may say that my recollection is quite as vivid as his of all that happened in that very anxious period.