Nothing in the splintering will deal with the Recruitment Crisis facing London buses as a result of wage levels, working conditions and hours, which place busmen at a disadvantage compared with those in other jobs.
The Recruitment Crisis is now both real and immediate.
There is a Crisis of Recruitment, retention and morale of good quality teachers.
In particular, I see no reference in the White Paper to the development and extension of law centres, and no solution to the Recruitment Crisis that is gripping the Crown prosecution service.
He also made a very important point, which the Secretary of State may wish to address, about the Crisis in the Recruitment of parents and other members of the public to serve as school governors.
This morning I received a letter from the Newham GP forum which says:We are at the bottom of a Major Recruitment Crisis as well as suffering from rock bottom morale.
Nobody has come to me and said, "Mr. Harris, are you aware that Cornwall is facing a Crisis in the Recruitment of MPs"?
I argued at column 1193 on 26 October 1995 that we are in a Serious Recruitment Crisis in the House, not in the sense that there would be too few candidates to fill the seats but that the number of people suitably qualified to come to the House, and more particularly to be drawn from the House to become Ministers, is likely to be adversely affected if we continue the present position with regard to Members' pay.
Although the Minister claims that the Government are out to recruit more people from the ethnic minorities - indeed, there is a Crisis in Recruitment - the number of recruits from ethnic minorities dropped by 25 per cent.
There is a Crisis in Recruitment.
It is vital that we address the problems of low morale and suspicion among clinical staff as, in many geographical areas and in many specialties, we face a Recruitment Crisis that affects medical staff, nursing staff, those in the professions allied to medicine and those in support services.
Secondly, as was starkly demonstrated earlier this morning by the figures published by the National Association of Head Teachers, there is a Recruitment Crisis affecting head and deputy head posts.
Given the Recruitment Crisis among doctors, nurses and physios - a recruitment crisis not helped by staging their pay award - where will all the extra doctors and nurses and professions allied to medicine come from to do all these extra operations?
The report of the Select Committee on Education and Employment on teacher recruitment, published last autumn, said:Many of the submissions to our inquiry, and to that of the previous Committee, argued that there was a 'Recruitment Crisis' in initial teacher training.
It will also mean an increase in the number of doctors, and it will mean dealing with the Recruitment Crisis in professions allied to medicine.
The statistics show that, regardless of what the Minister says today, there is a growing Recruitment Crisis.
My hon. Friends and I have been briefed very clearly by senior Met officers about the Recruitment Crisis, and there is also the wastage of those recruited who fall away.
All those demands must be met by a profession that has a Recruitment Crisis and is starved of the funding for key developments, and what can all that do but destroy morale and suppress enthusiasm?
No wonder there is a continuing Recruitment Crisis in general practice.
The Government and police chief constables will have to wake up to the fact that there will have to be big regional differentials in pay if the Recruitment Crisis in London is to be solved.
Whatever people think of our custody, if you like, of the Metropolitan police over the past two years, if a Recruitment Crisis is growing or bubbling, it has not happened in two years.
It is little wonder that we now have a full-blown Crisis of Recruitment even in professions such as teaching, social work, medicine and legal aid law firms.
The debate will interest anyone who is concerned about the continually falling number of police officers in the Metropolitan police, the Recruitment Crisis in the national health service and the recruitment and retention of teachers.
We have falling police numbers; we have what the Commissioner himself has described as a Crisis in Recruitment, and the impact of that has been plain on the streets of London.
Secondly, I commend the Home Secretary for his success so far in winning the resources for the crime fighting fund and for today's announcement, but there is a need to strengthen his arm in negotiations with the Treasury on the comprehensive spending review, so that we can continue to move forward in tackling the Recruitment Crisis in the Met and in building on the success of the crime reduction initiative.
The Home Secretary made a welcome announcement at the beginning of the debate, but the question for the House and for the Government is whether the measure goes far enough to meet the extent of the Recruitment Crisis facing the Metropolitan police.
Is the Minister aware of the very Serious Recruitment Crisis in the police, particularly in London and the South East, where house prices are so high?
The Recruitment Crisis in London is caused by the acceptance of the then Government's Sheehy report, which has done so much damage to the police service in this country.
Does the hon. Gentleman think that one of the consequences of a stop-go funding policy for health is the creation of a serious Crisis in Recruitment?
The net result has been an acceleration of the Recruitment Crisis in the past three years, and - equally significant - a dramatic increase in the desire to leave the profession.
As someone who, as a chair of education, was dealing with a Recruitment Crisis for teachers in inner London just before that time, I do not recollect that any practical assistance whatever was offered by the then Conservative Government to help us to deal with that problem.
The press in my area - the Manchester Evening News-reports, under the headline "G'day Manchester", that an army of Australian teachers is being flown in to stop the Recruitment Crisis.
Although many regions are not experiencing a Recruitment Crisis, I suggest to the Minister that some areas would welcome the experience and professionalism of inspectors teaching in schools and colleges.
We have taken decisive steps to prevent recruitment problems turning into a Recruitment Crisis.
The BMA has described this as a disaster and has warned that patients' lives will be put at risk unless the Government change their policy to take account of This Recruitment Crisis.
It has led to a serious Crisis in Recruitment.
There is a Recruitment Crisis in areas around London - particularly in areas such as Slough that have high crime levels - and my judgment is that the police negotiating board has not addressed the problem sufficiently seriously.
The Recruitment Crisis in Hertfordshire is generating problems with retention because, inevitably, experienced officers who are stretched beyond their limit tend to leave earlier and earlier.
The Crisis in Recruitment, spoken about earlier, is a reminder that healthy housing markets and good-quality housing are essential to achieving many of the Government's key priorities, especially neighbourhood renewal.
In my county, Surrey, and in many other parts of the country, disillusionment with teaching shows in what has become a Recruitment Crisis.
But there is a real Crisis of Recruitment in the secondary schools, particularly in some of the shortage subjects.
The Recruitment Crisis is particularly acute in the south-east and relates to the difficulties affecting care homes and the cost of living in the area.
There is a particular problem with GPs' inability to take more patients, and a Recruitment Crisis.
of 1995–96 levels and that the funding gap between schools and sixth form colleges for the same three A-level package remains at £1,000 per pupil; further notes the Current Recruitment Crisis caused by low pay throughout the sector; welcomes the campaign led by the Association of Colleges, NATFHE and NUS, and supported by all the sector's recognised trade unions including UNISON, TGWU, GMB, ATL and ACM, for increased financial support for further education students, an improvement in the core funding allocated to colleges and a recognition of the recruitment crisis caused by growing salary differentials between schools and colleges; and calls on the Government to provide a fair allocation to the further education sector in the forthcoming comprehensive spending review.
An increase in intimidation of Roman Catholic officers, and a decrease in the applications from Roman Catholics are generating a Recruitment Crisis.
Why is he so confident that the eventual settlement will give them the pay deal that will solve the Recruitment Crisis in the retained firefighters service?
Many people, conscious of that, believe that there is a limit to how long highly qualified and very able people will put up with such earnings and wonder whether Britain is heading for the same sort of Recruitment Crisis as we have experienced in schools.
We are almost in a state of Crisis in Recruitment - certainly in the recruitment of reservists who work for the Defence Medical Services.
further notes that, of the 108 recommendations by Lord Laming, 82 were recommended to be acted upon within six months; condemns the Government for its continued failure to produce the long-awaited Green Paper on Children at Risk, which was originally promised in the spring as the Government's response to many of the systemic failures in child protection highlighted by Lord Laming; is concerned at the continued failure of the Government to address the Crisis in Recruitment of social worker professionals skilled in child protection who are essential to addressing these failures; regrets that local authorities are unable to implement changes recommended in the Report which would improve the delivery of children's services, because of the delay in the publication of the Government's response; welcomes the creation of the post of a Minister for Children, after six years in government; and calls on the Government to publish the Green Paper immediately as planned in order to secure the confidence and support of all those involved in the protection of vulnerable children.
I beg to move, That this House notes that it is now almost six months since the publication of Lord Laming's report on the Victoria Climbié Inquiry and well over three years since the death of this little girl; further notes that, of the 108 recommendations by Lord Laming, 82 were recommended to be acted upon within six months; condemns the Government for its continued failure to produce the long-awaited Green Paper on Children at Risk, which was originally promised in the spring as the Government's response to many of the systemic failures in child protection highlighted by Lord Laming; is concerned at the continued failure of the Government to address the Crisis in Recruitment of social worker professionals skilled in child protection who are essential to addressing these failures; regrets that local authorities are unable to implement changes recommended in the Report which would improve the delivery of children's services, because of the delay in the publication of the Government's response; welcomes the creation of the post of a Minister for Children, after six years in government; and calls on the Government to publish the Green Paper immediately as planned in order to secure the confidence and support of all those involved in the protection of vulnerable children.
I beg to move, That this House notes that it is now more than 13 months since Lord Laming's Report on Victoria Climbié and that 25th February 2004 marked the fourth anniversary of her tragic death; regrets that the Government has wasted too much time before bringing forward practical measures to make vulnerable children safer despite Laming's contention that 84 of his recommendations could be implemented within six months and even now social services departments are in limbo awaiting Government recommendations in the Children's Bill; is alarmed at the Government's complete inability to clarify the position on data sharing between agencies, which is crucial to child protection measures; condemns the Government's failure to address the Crisis in Recruitment of child protection social workers without whom the necessary improvements will not be achievable; is gravely concerned at their response to the recent Appeal Court judgements involving children taken away from parents on questionable expert witness testimonies, which has failed to take account of potentially thousands of other miscarriages of justice in the family courts; notes the additional pressures that this is adding on already overstretched social services departments; further notes the continued failure of the Government to produce the long promised National Service Framework for Children; condemns recent moves to cut already committed grants to important Children's Fund projects working with vulnerable children; and calls upon the Government to give vulnerable children the priority they need and deserve.
I have spoken to or visited many social services departments throughout the country in recent months, and nearly all of them point to a Crisis in Recruitment.
Does the Minister agree with the vast majority of psychiatrists who claimed in a recent survey that it now takes more than six months, following an initial presentation at a general practitioner's surgery, to be referred to a psychiatrist, and that the situation has got worse because of the Recruitment Crisis among psychiatric staff?
There is a Crisis in Recruitment in some of these disciplines and I hope that the Bill will go some way towards dealing with that problem rather than making it worse.
A reduction in current numbers of infantryman while, yet again, the Army faces a Recruitment Crisis, does not make sense.
With unprecedented numbers of Territorial Army soldiers and other reservists currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and yet with TA strength at its lowest level since its formation more than 100 years ago, what do the Government plan to do to fix the Recruitment Crisis now affecting all our reserve forces?
Is he aware of what is nothing less than a Crisis in the Recruitment of social workers, with a 10 per cent.
There is a Recruitment Crisis and there are problems with retention.
We want urgently to tackle the Recruitment Crisis, which the Government seem to be in denial over.
Do we have a Crisis in the Recruitment of British nationals, for instance?
The Recruitment Crisis that had been inherited in the late 1990s was a distant memory.
Secondly, with respect to the Current Recruitment Crisis in psychiatry, it is recommended that we recognise that psychiatrists have an essential leadership role to play in mental health care.
There is already a Recruitment Crisis, and the network is concerned that the situation will worsen as a result of housing benefit reform.
We all hope that that is true and will happen, but the fact is that we are still faced with what appears to be a Crisis in Recruitment.
There is clearly a Recruitment Crisis, but as is often the case, the Government are implementing a policy without thinking it through.
What will he do about the Recruitment Crisis in A&E?
And what of the Recruitment Crisis in A and E?
Before the right hon. Gentleman runs down our A and E services, let me just gently remind him that he talked about a Recruitment Crisis, but we have 300 more A and E consultants than when he was Health Secretary, we have nearly 2,000 more people - [Interruption.
The origins of the Recruitment Crisis in A and E obviously predate this Government.
They talk of warning the Government of a Recruitment Crisis in A and E about two or three years ago.
She goes on to say that the severe shortage of A and E doctors is a result of his predecessor's failure to listen to the warnings from the College of Emergency Medicine about the looming Recruitment Crisis, because it was obsessed by its reorganisation.
Nothing makes the impact of the reforms clearer than the deteriorating performance of A and E departments and the Crisis in Recruitment to them.
At the time there was a Recruitment Crisis in general practice and GPs' incomes had fallen behind those of comparable professional groups.
Although today's announcement is welcome for companies in my constituency such as MBDA, which is of course at Farnborough this week, does the Secretary of State think that announcing a re-spend on things that he cut in the first place will make up for the hundreds of millions of pounds wasted on botched decision making, bad equipment decisions, IT failure, a Recruitment Crisis and collapsed procurement reforms on his watch?
How can standards in general practice be improved when surgeries are dealing with a Recruitment Crisis?
Given the Crisis in Recruitment in general practice, the increased pressures on GPs now that they are also involved in commissioning services and the pressures in emergency medicine, how will GPs have time to tackle obesity?
According to recent reports in The Times, Ministers are presiding over not only a stalling reserves recruitment programme but a Crisis in Recruitment to the regular forces.
It is clear from all the points that have been raised that there is a Recruitment Crisis as a result of fragmented and confusing pathways into teaching, and a retention crisis caused by a complete collapse in morale.
Is my hon. Friend also aware that we face a Recruitment Crisis, because teachers are overworked and underpaid?
UHY Hacker Young said that the situation was putting potential heads off applying for the top job, causing an Imminent Recruitment Crisis.
UHY Hacker Young said that the situation was putting potential heads off applying for the top job, causing an imminent Recruitment Crisis.
Despite the modest increase in the number of training places, is he confident that that gap can be filled, alongside dealing with the Current Recruitment Crisis, the extra nurses needed for seven-day working, the extra nurses needed for improved patient-staff ratios and the Government's indication that they want to rule out the use of agency nurses in future?
” The scale of the Recruitment Crisis is startling even to those of us who have been following the fortunes of the two Health Secretaries since 2010.
On the delivery of a seven-day service, where are the professionals going to go, as we have a Recruitment Crisis and have to use agency staff?
Those hearings have underlined the Crisis in Recruitment, poor retention of experienced staff and particularly the financial crisis in the NHS.
The most important thing from the recent TEs global recruitment survey is that 31% of teachers said that talk of a Recruitment Crisis was doing their profession down.
What we do not do, as the hon. Lady and Labour Members are doing, is talk down the profession, because, as my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State said, teachers tell us that talk about a Recruitment Crisis helps to deter people from coming into the profession; it does not encourage them to do so.