Some Future Crisis

5 mentions.

1945 - 2005

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1945 to 1993

four mentions

over 48 years

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Though at the moment the Measure which is being brought forward may be no more than a recognition of what is already in practice, it may well be that in Some Future Crisis once again bankers may claim to put forward manifestos, and may claim to be a position to give not merely advice but authoritative advice.

There is nothing provocative in testing plans and communications systems aimed at coping with Some Future Crisis.

we must ensure that every help is given to the industry to secure exports; and we must retain the capability to acquire the necessary equipment to expand our forces if needed in Some Future Crisis.

We must maintain our technical capability; we must ensure that every help is given to the industry to secure exports; and we must retain the capability to acquire the necessary equipment to expand our forces if needed in Some Future Crisis.


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Some Future Crisis will no doubt prove the present system cumbersome, far from the situation that our chief of staff correctly envisages - that is, meeting an operational need for a more agile, deployable and flexible force.

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