That Great Crisis

11 mentions.

1832 - 1998

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1832 to 1877

three mentions

over 45 years

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Why so extensive a change was proposed in Ireland he could not conceive, unless it was, that his Majesty's Ministers, like Dr. Sangrado, who had only one cure for all complaints, had applied Reform to Ireland, because they had applied it to England, in deference to a party who had done them some service in that House, at That Great Crisis, the passing of the English Reform Bill, and who now boasted of the great services they had conferred on the Ministry.

These are the steps by which we thought it our duty to approach That Great Crisis.

And it seemed to him that by the policy the Government had pursued they had done much when That Great Crisis arose to surrender to Russia the vantage ground which they might have and ought to have secured for England.

1902 to 1920

three mentions

over 18 years

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It might be said they were provided for without riot by means of private charity, when over four millions sterling were subscribed to enable them to tide over That Great Crisis.

If he is refused, let him go to the country; let him not delay on this path; let him not interpose any other measures to delay the consummation of That Great Crisis; let him not throw away any weapon which is of any value to him in that contest.

It is not too much to ask that if there were circumstances that would warrant the special convening of Parliament to consider and agree to regulations already drafted, that surely in seven days something might arise out of That Great Crisis which would warrant Parliament reviewing the situation?

1936 to 1948

three mentions

over 12 years

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The Government which, having the confidence of the House of Commons, came into existence as a result of that election, had no thought of a, war in the near future, yet they had to decide what should be done in That Great Crisis, with the concurrence of the House of Commons.

In a month or two they would go through That Great Crisis, and 30 per cent.

How did he deal with That Great Crisis?

1956 to 1998

two mentions

over 42 years

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Today, sneers are made about planning, but it was planning which enabled us to overcome That Great Crisis.

We hope that other measures will be taken soon so that more animals and more beef may be exported and our economy will no longer be affected by That Great Crisis that has hindered us in the past few years.

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