Therapeutic Crisis

6 mentions.

2006 - 2007

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There is a very low incidence of restraint based on TCI - Therapeutic Crisis intervention - and the catchment area is predominantly local so that contact with local services is easier.


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Hassockfield secure training centre is piloting the use of a technique known as Therapeutic Crisis intervention to help staff defuse tense situations without having to use physical intervention.

Hassockfield secure training centre is currently piloting the use of a technique known as Therapeutic Crisis intervention to help staff defuse tense situations without having to use physical intervention.

That is not to deny that there are sometimes challenging and alarming incidents which the staff have to deal with, chiefly using TCI - Therapeutic Crisis intervention - techniques, a process of de-escalation, talking wherever possible through the event and always, after any incident, a restorative process of discussion.

It is piloting Therapeutic Crisis intervention methods, which are clearly very important.

Hassockfield secure training centre is piloting the use of a technique, known as Therapeutic Crisis intervention, to make sure that physical intervention does not have to be used for compliance to be secured.

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