Unparalleled Crisis

3 mentions.

1856 - 1924

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1856 to 1924

three mentions

over 68 years

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Well may he talk of public opinion if the acts that he himself does in violation, at an Unparalleled Crisis, of his manifest duty can be covered or defended by the Government that maintains him in an office for which he has proved himself so wholly unfit.

He should have thought that this policy in an Unparalleled Crisis, had the unqualified approval of all parties.

The State has the right to call upon all its representative statesmen, whatever their parties, to co-operate for the good of the State, to put their own party advantage aside, and, when an Unparalleled Crisis like this has arisen, to endeavour to rise to the height of patriotism, to acknowledge that none of them has any right at present to the Treasury Bench, and to combine for the good of their country.

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