Indeed, it is perhaps not unfair to claim that Stockholm has already succeeded in its first objective of alerting public opinion to the Environmental Crisis, since it has given much on-going activity in this field a point and urgency which it might otherwise have lacked.
There are limits to the positive efforts that can be made to encourage development in areas that are economically declining, but Ministers can do somethings to assist the economically declining areas and to deal with the Environmental Crisis which my hon. Friend described.
The title of the debate that I submitted originally to the Table Office was "The Global Environmental Crisis".
We realise that they are heading towards a Major Environmental Crisis, but we cannot expect the European Community to embark upon a scheme to save them.
A Government who were serious about the environment would have taken this opportunity to get to grips with the Environmental Crisis facing our country and the world, but all that we have is rhetoric - fine words, but grubby actions.
That is the Environmental Crisis that they face today.
I have read the Government's response to the Impending Environmental Crisis, but I shall not comment on it now.
If we are to tackle the Environmental Crisis that we are facing, is not it about time that the Government started to give a lead?
That suited the Government, who had become increasingly concerned about the determination of most of our European partners to do something about the looming Environmental Crisis.
We must remember that the public at large - I should say "people at large" because I do not like the word "public" - want the Environmental Crisis to be tackled.
Throughout the debate, we have heard repeated references to the Environmental Crisis facing the planet.
In the context of the broader environmental framework, it is important to realise that the realities of the Environmental Crisis facing our planet mean that we have reached a turning point in world history.
The commission is, of course, the prime mechanism for enabling the countries of the world to confront the Grave Environmental Crisis which faces us all.
We cannot begin to tackle the Environmental Crisis without the development of a radical policy for transport and domestic energy conservation.
We now face an Environmental Crisis.
It will show that the Prime Minister's words in the United States on the Environmental Crisis facing the planet were nothing more than empty rhetoric and an attempt to spin a feel-good story for the UK press.
Then they played for time, lost, and had an Environmental Crisis on their hands.
This Environmental Crisis, however, is literally in our back yard.
None is wrong in any way, but failure to take full account of the Environmental Crisis that the world is facing would undermine the objectives of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Just as we need a much higher consciousness of road safety issues, which will come only when our society faces up to them, so the energy-related aspects of Our Environmental Crisis need solutions that will galvanise the whole of our society.
My Lords, a key question is: how imminent is This Environmental Crisis and catastrophe?
We should show leadership in This Environmental Crisis.
Make no mistake: this is an Environmental Crisis that we cannot ignore.
The Environmental Crisis is also acute, and reference must be made to that, too.
The world is moving to realise that we need an energy mix that has the maximum renewable energy component, but that if we continue to presume that coal will play a part, coal must in future be produced within the constraints necessary to ensure that it does not pollute the atmosphere more and contribute further to the Environmental Crisis.
Is not now the time to use this asset at this moment of Environmental Crisis?
This is not just an opportunity for us to deal with the Environmental Crisis.
At times of economic difficulty, we cannot and must not forget that the Environmental Crisis presses upon us too.
Those subsidies in essence disable the rural economies of developing countries and worsen the Environmental Crisis we face.
It points out that there is an Environmental Crisis as well as an economic crisis, although from the look of some of the media coverage in recent months, it seems as if that has been forgotten.
Too often, DEFRA feels like DECC's more realistic but poorer cousin, and yet DEFRA is left to pick up the pieces when an Environmental Crisis strikes.
The illegal wildlife trade is not only an Environmental Crisis but a serious global criminal industry.